Automancer docs

Writing PCRL


Automancer protocols are defined in PCRL, a configuration language close to YAML. It is designed to be lightweight and human-readable. It is also used in setup configuration files.

The extension of PCRL is .pcrl and its media (MIME) type is text/pcrl. The recommended case is snake case, i.e. snake_case.


The following PCRL:

# A comment

  ports: [8000, 8001, 8002]
  connection_max: 5000
  options: { enabled: true }

  - name: alpha
    dc: eqdc10
  - name: beta
    dc: eqdc10

Maps to the following JSON:

  "database": {
    "server": "",
    "ports": [8000, 8001, 8002],
    "connection_max": 5000,
    "options": {
      "enabled": true
  "servers": [
      "name": "alpha",
      "ip": "10.0.1",
      "dc": "eqdc10"
      "name": "beta",
      "ip": "10.0.2",
      "dc": "eqdc10"

Comparison with YAML

PCRL is conceptually close to YAML and YAML's syntax highlighting definitions can be used to highlight PCRL, such as in snippets embedded within a Markdown file. When taking a closer look, however, YAML and PCRL have major differences:

  • Values in PCRL are either a dictionary, a list, a string or null.
    foo: null  # foo is None
    foo: 32    # foo is 32
    foo: false # foo is false
  • PCRL has no support for nested dictionaries on a single line.
      bar: 23
    # or
    foo: { bar: 23 }
    # instead of
    foo: bar: 34
  • PCRL has no support for JSON structures.
  • PCRL has no support for anchors and references.
  • PCRL has no support for data typing.
  • PCRL has no support for multiple documents.
  • PCRL only has the | syntax for multiline strings but no support for >.
    key: |
      Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
      With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    # instead of
    key: >
      Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
      With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
  • PCRL enforces two-spaces indentation.
  • PCRL requires one more indentation level when dealing with lists of dictionary of lists.
    - a:
        - b
    # instead of
    - a:
      - b